Theresa Priour - VP of Business Administration
  • Address : Postel Address WeStand Eaton Square 489, London, United Kingdom
  • Phone : +1-212-533-5454
  • Mobile : (800) 123.456.7890
  • Fax : 1545157515451545
  • Web :

Theresa Priour

Theresa Priour is VP of Business Administration for Tejas Production Services. She manages and oversees the day-to-day operation of the company. She is responsible for establishing and carrying out departmental goals, policies, and procedures.

Theresa joined Tejas in 2011, where she worked her way up from receptionist to her current position with the company. Prior to joining Tejas, Theresa was employed by the County of Victoria where she retired after 20 years of service.

Theresa attended Victoria College where she majored in Office Administration.